Saturday, September 24, 2011


Through doing a lot of research online and talking with many doctors, I became aware of many wonderful organizations that will assist me in raising a child with Autism. 
Samuel started school in a private school.  I paid for a one-on-one aide, as i knew he needed extra attention and help.  However, after talking with other moms who are in a similar situation, I realized that public school was a better option and actually has a lot of helpful program and teachers/aides.  He can get the help he needs there.  His new IEP allows him to have a one-on-one aide and she is wonderful.  She's really helping him get the work done he needs.  Plus, I can tell she really cares for him and knows what she's doing. 
Also, he has a tutor coming twice a week from PACE (Pacific Autism Center for Education).  She comes twice a week to help with Samuel's socializing.  She was trained specifically to help students like him, and it's been wonderful to see his progression through the months.  It did take him a while to get used to her, but now that he has, we've seen a great deal of progress. 
I've also joined a free group that meets every other week.  Its a group of parents and we serve as a support system to each other.  We talk about techniques and situations we've been in.  They have been so helpful and a source for many of my findings. 

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